New to PowerSchool Parent Portal
Welcome parents and community members and thank you for visiting the PowerSchool Parent Portal web page.
Research shows that when parents are engaged, students become more active participants in the educational process, which helps mitigate problems, instills better study habits, and addresses issues as they arise all of which are key factors in academic success. More than ever, parent/guardian involvement is critical to the academic success of their children.
PowerSchools Parent Portal provides parents/guardians confidential and real time access to information tied to their child(ren), such as attendance and grades, through their own PowerSchool Parent Portal account. PowerSchools Parent Portal also allows teachers and parents/guardians to communicate electronically so that information is shared on a regular, timely basis.
Please see your child(ren)s school(s)s PowerSchool Parent Portal Team to obtain the forms and information required to create your very own personal and confidential PowerSchool Parent Portal Account.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the PowerSchool Parent Portal, in addition to contacting your child(ren)s school-based PowerSchool Parent Portal Team, you may contact the PowerSchool Parent Portal Administration via e-mail at Thank you.