Division of Educational Services Updated Guidance on Working Papers

September 14, 2023
Please be advised, the New Jersey Department of Labor (NJDOL) process for the application and approval of working papers was made digital effective June 1, 2023, and is available online at the New Jersey Department of Labor website. The new process gives the NJDOL the opportunity to reach minors and their caregivers about career services, apprenticeship opportunities and their work rights. The NJDOL has developed a suite of online information and services for young workers. It contains information about how to write a resume, develop interviewing skills, and find a job. The site also contains a section on vocational rehabilitation employment and the protections and rights minors are entitled to under child labor laws. The NJDOL provides online resources and posters to assist LEAs in providing information to students and families.

Key steps/actions
Local educational agencies (LEAs) will no longer administer working paper applications, and physician sign-off and approval is no longer required. LEAs are requested to update handbooks and websites to reflect new procedures.